The Global Transcendence Proprietary Model
The Global Transcendence (GT) Proprietary Model is based on the 9 Pillars of Global Transcendence. Our goal is to help form dynamic teams to support families break cycles of violence; transcend root causes such as poverty, learned helplessness, mental health issues; interrupt acts of retaliation; support healing for co-victims; and increase resilience.
9 Pillars of Transcendence

Pillar 1: Violence Response/ Interventions for Urban and Mass Incidents
We correspond with local, national and international government agencies to serve as a crisis response team to support primary and secondary victims of trauma. We advocate nationally and internationally on behalf of children, youth, families and communities to address their needs. We provide resources that may assist children, youth and families with preparing for resilience. GT HUB partners identify the “teachable moment” immediately following a traumatic experience for victims and secondary victims. GT HUB partners provide support and counseling to decrease the likelihood of re-traumatization.

Pillar 2: Behavioral & General Health Stabilization
We provide Mindful Wellness through mediation that has been found to be effective in treating PTSD and other emotional issues. This type of meditation addresses internalized stress and Traumatic Brain Injury. GT HUB partners provide a safe place for victims and secondary victims to share their voice and hear the stories of others. During these sessions consumers also receive resources and advice on how to address and handle trauma.

Pillar 3: Early Education & Higher Learning
GT educational partners provide after-school programming, international cultural exchange programs and free community events promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Education. Through strategic partnerships, our approach includes teaching engineering and applied science, using digital arts and modern technologies.
(Logos: Swaliga Foundation, STEAM The Block, GEEC)

Pillar 4: Emotional Intelligence & Life Skills Building
Our TURN AROUND Program prepares participants to successfully complete job training and begin a successful career. This program considers environmental and cultural impacts to develop students' personal and professional skills to better equip them for a smooth transition into the workforce. Through social engineering, this program also equips consumers on how to socially engage, network and maneuver in various professional settings.

Pillar 5: Workforce Development, Job Retention and Upward Mobility
Our goal is to expose children, youth and families to innovative trades and careers within construction, energy and power industries (i.e. general engineering, carpentry and welding).
Global Transcendence and partners work closely with businesses, human resource officers and recruiters to ensure the successful placement of our graduates. We maintain a relationship with both the student and employer to ensure accountability and long-term job retention.

Pillar 6: Financial Intelligence & Generational Wealth
GT has partnered with educational professionals and financial experts to provide financial literacy education programs for children, parents and families. ​ Through partnering with financial institutions, GT also encourages consumers to open at least one bank account. ​ GT provides resources to help consumers understand the value of “good credit” and organizes community-based information sessions to help communities reduce debt, increase their credit score and earning power.

Pillar 7: Home Acquisition & Retention
GT educates and empowers consumers to purchase homes, land and commercial spaces to build their legacy.

Pillar 8: Alumni of Success
Alumni are inspired to start their own businesses or give back to their communities in ways that are impactful. Thus building opportunities to enhance their social equity and broader networks.

Pillar 9: Evolutionary Elders
Bridging the generational gap is the ultimate success. GT educates children, youth and families about their history through sharing the oral stories and facilitating the mentorship of elders.